Daylight improves animal welfare in large stables
Daylight improves the well-being of animals kept in large stables, which is increasingly important in the agricultural sector today. There are now various animal welfare labels that place high demands on the indoor environment of large animal stables and shelters and the provision of daylight is an extremely important requirement.
Daylight is cheaper
A daylight system replaces artificial lighting during the daylight hours which can provide significant energy consumption reductions and savings. In addition to increasing the profitability of the company by saving on energy costs, daylight improves the well-being of the animals and the sustainability and environmental profile of the company which could lead to new customers as there is now an increasing demand from consumers for sustainable animal products.
Standards and labels
The United Kingdom and the Netherlands have many quality marks, with varying standards applicable to the agricultural sector. For example, the 'Better Life' quality mark from the Animal Protection Service places high demands on daylight in stables. In addition, there are various quality assurance systems (such as IKB Nederland) that outline requirements for the manner of production. Skal (for organic production) and Maatlat Duurzame Veehouderij (MDV) also set strict requirements regarding daylight. In the case of an MVD stable; these can participate in the MIA and Vamil tax schemes, which provides additional financial support for a stable owner.
Custom daylight in your stable
The correct provision of daylight can ensure that a stable or barn meets the needs of the animals and the requirements of the various industry quality marks. Techcomlight is an expert in the field of the necessary legislation, regulations, Sustainable Livestock Measurement, tax regulations, quality marks and quality systems in the agricultural sector. Daylight systems can be installed into any roof construction type or even through the facade and can be equipped with an integral daylight dimmer so that the daylight levels can be controlled as required.
1. Diffused and uniform light distribution
2. Daylight levels can be controlled.
3. Low maintenance
4. Good insulation values
5. Good to combine with solar panels
6. Energy reduction
7. Enhanced sustainability and environmental profile
8. Can be installed into any roof type